Re: [sarex] [amsat-bb] ISS contact May 2nd

Hi all,
I am the one who first posts all ARISS announcements to the SAREX BB ([email protected]_ (mailto:[email protected]) ) concerning upcoming scheduling, etc. So you would need to be on the SAREX-BB mailing list to get those regularly.
I do not normally post directly to the AMSAT-BB ([email protected]_ (mailto:[email protected]) ).
Within a few days of the contact, Dave AA4KN will also post an announcement to the SAREX BB that has more details concerning the upcoming school and questions to be asked.
The upcoming contact is scheduled to be a telebridge via IK1SLD in Italy and Samantha IZØUDF using IRØISS. She will be talking to students from Sol Plaatje Primary School, Mahikeng, South Africa, and Scuola Secondaria di I Grado, Caprino Bergamasco, Italy. The contact time is scheduled to be Sat 2015-05-02 14:34:27 UTC at about 45 deg max elevation. It is recommended that one start listening approximately 10 minute before the announced time to make sure that there was no orbital change. And make sure you are using the very latest Keps set.
Often times we are able to simulcast the contact via the IRLP and Echolink systems. John AG9D usually will post an announcement if the contact is going to be on IRLP or Echolink as he handles the interface for ARISS. Sometimes the schools will also stream using their own system. We try to post if any of this is going to happen.
Hope this helps. Thanks for your interest in ARISS.
73, Charlie Sufana AJ9N One of the ARISS mentors Huntington Beach, CA
In a message dated 5/1/2015 11:16:24 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, [email protected] writes:
I am facilitating the South African end. It is via telebridge
-----Original Message----- From: AMSAT-BB [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Doug - k4GKJ Sent: 01 May 2015 05:52 PM To: [email protected] Subject: [amsat-bb] ISS contact May 2nd
I hear a rumor of a contact May 2nd, 14:30 UTC....... Africa & Italy with Samantha...... Don't know if it's telebridge or direct..... Check your prediction software to see if your in the footprint at that time...
Doug K4GKJ
Doug Bennight K4GKJ 528-5772 _______________________________________________ Sent via [email protected]. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions expressed are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of AMSAT-NA. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings:
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