Upcoming ARISS contact with Italian Air Force Academy, Pozzuoli, Italy

An International Space Station school contact has been planned with participants at Italian Air Force Academy, Pozzuoli, Italy on April 28. The event is scheduled to begin at approximately 07:04 UTC.
The duration of the contact is approximately 9 minutes and 30 seconds. The contact will be a telebridge between NA1SS and LU1CBG. The contact should be audible over Argentina and adjacent areas. Interested parties are invited to listen in on the 145.80 MHz downlink. The contact is expected to be conducted in Italian.
Beyond the Command & Administrative Staff, the Italian Air Force Academy is made up of three Departments: the Courses Department, the University Department and the General Technical Service Department. Our mission is to select and train the prospective commanders of the Italian Air Force. Among the cadets enlisted there are: pilots, navigators, general duty officers, engineers, lawyers and doctors.
Participants will ask as many of the following questions (translated) as time allows:
1. How did you physically train to became an astronaut?
2. What diseases may you catch during your stay in space?
3. How much did your studies affected your career?
4. If you could come back in time, would you change your course of study?
5. What is the future of the ISS without the support of Space Shuttle?
6. I've heard something about a "strange presence" on Soyuz spaceship:
ROBONAUT. What is it and how do the crew interact with this robot?
7. Which suggestions do you want to give to somebody who want to become an
8. Which is the most suitable kind of work experience and technical
background for an astronaut?
9. The first man in the space was Yuri Gagarin, who exclaimed : "I see the
Earth! It is so beautiful!". I wonder what you feel when you see the
Earth from the space. What are your daily emotions? Are they different
from the ones you felt on your arrival?
10. Among the several experiments you conducted was there anyone in
particular that gave unexpected results?
11. Is it possible to know what does the "MATRIOSKA" experiment concern?
12. Which was, according to you, between the experiments finalized in this
mission, the one that will have the highest impact on our life (in terms
of technology, medicine, physics)?
13. By projecting the nowadays technological trend towards next century, what
do you think new discoveries of humanity in space will be?
14. According to you, which has been the most critical part of the whole
15. How do you spend your "spare time"?
16. What kind of physical/psychological training did you follow?
17. When do you think that space tourism will be a widespread activity?
18. Do you remember a particular event that made you say: 'I will be an
Information about the upcoming ARISS contacts can be found at http://www.ariss.org/upcoming.htm#NextContact.
Next planned event(s):
1. Ecole Primaire de Larochette (Fiels), Larochette (Fiels), Luxembourg,
telebridge via WH6PN
Fri, 29 Apr 2011, 10:12 UTC
2. Scuola Secondaria I Grado "M.Maccioni" Nuoro, Nuoro, direct via IK1SLD
Fri, 29 Apr 2011, 15:56 UTC
ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the participating space agencies, NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, CNES, JAXA, and CSA, with the AMSAT and IARU organizations from participating countries.
ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers on-board the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters' interest in science, technology, and learning. Further information on the ARISS program is available on the website http://www.ariss.org/ (graciously hosted by the Radio Amateurs of Canada).
Thank you & 73,
David - AA4KN
participants (1)