Re: South Park Students Speak with ISS

I had my scanner set to 145.800Mhz and was able to hear most of the pass from Long Island New York. There is audio from my QTH here:
I will be streaming the downlink audio for the School Contact for Hampton Bays School in Hampton Bays NY. That location is at most an hour from here so I am hoping to catch the entire pass. The audio will be archived, and I hope to also archive the Echolink audio for that pass as well and add it to my site.
73 de Phil / W2LIE Long Island Live Scanner Feeds and Forums.
[email protected] wrote:
- South Park Students Speak with ISS
On Tuesday, February 17, an Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) contact took place between South Park Elementary Center in South Park, Pennsylvania and Pittsburgh native Mike Fincke, KE5AIT, on the ISS. Telebridge station K6DUE in Maryland facilitated the contact. An audience of approximately 460 watched as twenty questions were asked and answered. The audio was fed into the EchoLink AMSAT and JK1ZRW servers and received 7 connections from stations in England and the U.S. The event received extensive media coverage from television stations and newspapers. The links follow.
CBS affiliate:[email protected]
ABC affiliate:
NBC affiliate:
Pittsburgh Post Gazette:
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review:
participants (1)
Phil - w2lie