Hi, Mark.
I do not receive any visible notification of receiving my own packets on the TH-D72A despite operating full duplex. My understanding is that Patrick WD9EWK has previously reported this is a limitation of the TH-D72A that is not shared by the TH-D74A. I only go by the real-time readout on the home screen, the stored list of decoded APRS packets ("LIST"), and the stored list ("MSG") of received APRS messages. I have not inspected log files that might be stored on the radio.
I sent my beacon several times during each of the 0030Z and 1420Z passes on Thu 5/31, at 5W through an Arrow on the first pass and an Elk on the second. I verified the APRS settings before and after each pass. I was digipeated on three separate passes on Mon 5/28, and had QSOs over the weekend, with those same settings on the same radio with the same antennas and cables.
I'm hesitant to report the uplink as active unless the undecoded packets I receive are evidence that the uplink is active. On every pass I receive undecoded packets from PFS3-1 and PFS3-11, and occasionally PFS3-12. Does one or more of those SSIDs indicate that an operator had successfully uplinked to the satellite on that pass? I read the status packets description document and nothing stood out to me as being indicative of an uplink.
73, Ryan AI6DO
On Friday, June 1, 2018, 8:10:38 AM PDT, Mark L. Hammond [email protected] wrote:
Hi Ryan, the PBBS on FS-3 is working great. You’re right, it’s hard to see if it’s working on APRS—though working full duplex you should copy yourself right? I checked my log files and confirm that the digipeater is ON. Also, I looked at the last couple KISS log files and can’t see your call. Double check things is my suggestion. ?? I suggest you report as uplink and downlink active, unless you are positive that uplinks aren’t working; recently they have been from my QTH. 73,Mark N8MH