Stupid question time:
Every TLE requires the satellite number, which as I understand is in fact a unique identifier for the satellite (once the correct ID number has been sorted out and matched up with the appropriate satellite after the confusion of launch). Even though the name of the satellite can vary, this ID number is effectively the GUID for the satellite and does not change during the satellite's lifetime. Correct?
If that's the case, then why wouldn't it be possible to have a small tweak made to SatPC32 -- perhaps as an option at first to facilitate testing and backwards compatibility -- to use the satellite number *instead of the name* as the key column for the doppler.sqf file (and any other configuration files) that refer to satellites?
It seems to me that something like this would immediately solve a lot of small but recurrent issues and annoyances. The name field can become simply a human-readable label and not have to serve double-duty -- allowing users to switch between multiple TLE sources without having to worry that they're giving satellites different names (and having to go hunt down and replace all the entries in your various .SQF files).
-- Devin L. Ganger (WA7DLG) email: [email protected] web: Devin on Earth cell: +1 425.239.2575