Hi Steve and Alan!
There is a very nice scheduling program to be found at: http://www.cs.rit.edu/~cjh9783/programs/satsched.php
I have not a user of AO-27, yet, so cannot confirm where it is accurate, as it depends on getting an update file from the AO-27 site. Perhaps someone who is knowledgeable can comment on whether it is current?
The files needed for that program are at www.ao27.org, look for the links to Epoch.txt and TOPR.txt on there. Another option that works for the upcoming 24 hours is to view the following page:
Compare the times on there when you see "Analogue Med" (this is when the repeater will switch on) with your own tracking program or the prediction utility on the AMSAT web site to see when AO-27 will be available. Keep in mind the AO-27 clock runs fast, gaining 0.7 second per day, so the schedule will gradually differ from what the satellite does over time.
Since its passes are not compatible with my current work schedule, I'm looking forward to trying this next weekend. When it was last on in late 2005/early 2006 I made a few hundred contacts and enjoyed it despite the limited operating schedule.
Good luck and 73!
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK - Phoenix AZ http://www.wd9ewk.net/