I just uploaded all of my XE2/WD9EWK satellite QSOs to LOTW. Only 242 QSOs, and it took me about 20 minutes to massage my spreadsheet log into an ADIF file suitable for LOTW. Upon uploading my QSOs, I had 32 QSLs from 242 QSOs. Not bad at all! I will keep at it tonight, trying to get some of my Canadian QSOs (as VA7EWK and CJ7EWK) into LOTW this evening. The PDF by N5JB was extremely helpful. I uploaded only the 7 fields necessary to make an LOTW QSO entry, even though I have a lot more data for each QSO in my spreadsheet.
I have a question for those who have uploaded AO-16 QSOs to LOTW. For the Mode field, do you use FM as the mode you transmitted, SSB for the mode you received, or something else? Just trying to make sure I get this one right, since I have some AO-16 QSOs as CJ7EWK (and a bunch more as WD9EWK).
Thanks in advance, and 73!
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/