Going with another setup for portable operation. Serial 10497. Pick up a perfectly working SDR for $175.
a.. Guaranteed frequency range: 150kHz to 240MHz and 420MHz to 1.9GHz b.. Typical frequency coverage: 150kHz to 260MHz and 410MHz to 2.05GHz c.. TCXO specified at 0.5ppm (in practice about 1.5ppm) d.. 192kHz sampling rate e.. Extremely simple hardware setup, just two connections, an “in” and an “out”: a.. Standard SMA female antenna port b.. USB 1.x type A male connection f.. Eleven discrete hardware front end filters including: a.. 6MHz 3dB bandwidth (10MHz at -40dB) SAW filter for the 2m band. b.. 20MHz 3dB bandwidth (42MHz at -40dB) SAW filter for the 70cm band c.. Third- and fifth-order LC bandpass filters for other bands g.. Front end LNA OIP3 30dB h.. Typical noise figures: a.. 50MHz 2.5dB b.. 145MHz 3.5dB c.. 435MHz 3.5dB d.. 1296MHz 5.5dB i.. Typical NFM 12dB SINAD measurements: a.. 145MHz 0.15uV b.. 435MHz 0.15uV j.. No additional drivers required for Linux, OSX or Windows k.. Integrated 5V bias T switchable from software