-------------- Forwarded Message: -------------- From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Re: [eu-amsat] Satellite DX Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 17:43:12 +0000
HEllo I believe it is true that many countries do not allow operation near 432. I have also heard it is questionable here in the USA. While in mode A (AO7) I have made several attempts to shake loose a JA or some northern UK gent where I have a very short window at times, even a piece of Europe for some footprint streaching fun. In the days of RS15 I was able to do this fairly regularly and had many sub 4 degree QSO's to the other side of the footprint. It takes good and quick operation and a competent guy at the other end. My opinion is," if this were easy, everyone would be doing it". Generally speaking we all love a challange, at least that's what keeps my passion for amateur radio alive. I have a fantastic mentor in Joe K0VTY as well a Clair VE3NPC both of whom have forgot more that I can ever learn. There's Central and northern South america of which I have hever hear a peep out of. I had a new aquantnce in the shack yesterday who was considering satellites. AO7 (mode A) came up through the mid west and I had a nice chat with Joe K3SZH ( who I think probably owes the bird hihi). This visitor just lite up , like the perverbial bug latched on. Can we get a front page blurb in QST on the assets of AO7? This is what got me going back in the days of RS10 and 12/13. When I'm on the HF bands at times I will "steer" the converation to satellies and attempt to simplify this "complex" mode that many believe it is. It is incumbenton all of us to "push" this fantastic method. 73 Bob W7LRD Seattle -------------- Original message -------------- From: John Hackett [email protected]
I suggest each and every one of us sends the relavant mail to every national society requesting it be published in their magazine/newsletter to attempt to generate satellite interest in the countries where there is coverage but no operation.
There are several countries where a potential newcomer could "rake-in" the satellite certificates quicker than you can say "AO-7 is a damned good satellite when it's used properly".
Again, I've batted this over to the States in case they suffer from the same kind of inactivity in some of the states.
Let's educate! a few new operators ... not blind 'em with science.
73 John.
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 12:30:24 +0200 Subject: Re: [eu-amsat] Satellite DX
Good morning John & Group,
you have absolutely right about DXing and AO-7. My location is a mere example, it's in very good position for orbits over West & Middle Asia. Africa too.
However, the Satellite traffic above these areas is very poor.
Except of some former Soviet-Union countries (but just a few), the rest Asia is like a Ham-desert. I have sent several times Emails, for example to Indian hams requesting a sked in order to make a contact with VU. Nothing at all ! And
&a mp;a mp;a mp;a mp;g t; ; keep in mind, VU-land is a new-one for me on
Satellites - but "NO luck" ! (..and my surspise is big enough especially with VU, as this country has in orbit a HAM Satellite - see VO-52)!
I don't know if the Afganistan & Pakistan have anyone active on Sats. I don't think so. Also the Middle East, just a few peoples they are active, I remember the 4X & OD-lands.
Africa? he he.... here is the real desert ! TR8CA was active, but he is not anylonger. ZS-land has several peoples, but never I heard somebody on AO-7. And it's a real DX that for me, over 7000 Km !
Therefore, I agree with your comment however I'm thinking:
"too much DXCC entities but.... just a few peoples" !!!
Ironically, the 1/4 of planet seems to be without population !
Q: c ould be th e EU- AmS at Group the campaign leader (with Emails etc), in order to activate some peoples from these countries on AO-7 ?
It's a good challenge, I think.
Have a nice day
73 de Mak, SV1BSX
----- Original Message ----- From: John Hackett To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Sent: Friday, November 30, 2007 09:29 Subject: [eu-amsat] Satellite DX
Stop whinging! ...
No DX you say ... have a look at the AO-7 orbit 51201 on Friday the 30th of November 2007 from 05:55 to 06:00.
This orbit covered more sixty !!! entities (DXCC countries) including northeast China, Mongolia, northern India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, all 18 of the earlier Soviet republics , the entir e E urop ean continent, the entire Middle East and most of the central and north African countries.
No DX? ... Rubbish !!!.
I battet this over to the Amsat-bb so our American friends can see what "can" be worked from Europe.
I'm sure certain orbits would allow most of the states and even parts of central America on some orbit (?) ... I'm just too bone-idle to check it out.
73 John.
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&g t;
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