-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: Re: [AMSAT-BB] Adding PO-101 to SatPC32 Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2022 16:59:25 +1200 From: Wendy and Terry Osborne [email protected] To: Richard Lawn [email protected]
Hi Rick,
From the menu, try "Satellites" then "Groups" to bring up "Sat Groups" sub menu. It should default to "Standard". Then select "Edit" and assuming you have PO-101 in your kep file (nasa.all) then you should be able to select PO-101 and it should appear as the next letter (N). If you need some screen shots, I can send you some.
73, Terry Osborne ZL2BAC
On 26/07/2022 8:27 am, Richard Lawn wrote:
I'm at our vacation place working with my old FT-847, Arrow antennas and SatPC32. I added a couple of satellites and for some reason PO-101 is not highlighted in the bottom list of active satellites. If I roll over the last letter which is greyed out (N in my case) it shows PO-101 but is not shown in bold letters like the others suggesting something ios wrong. Any suggestions? I've checked that the name in the various files is the same.
Rick, W2JAZ
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