Normally, working FalconSat-3 should be the same as any other orbiting digipeater, where you would see a "My Message" or "My Position" notification on your HT's screen when you are digipeated. FalconSat-3 sends down so much data, that it is possible your HT misses the digipeated packet, or it received it with a series of other packets so fast you miss the on-screen notification. That's why I find myself checking the listing of stations heard and message listings during a FalconSat-3 pass, in case I missed something.
Working FalconSat-3's digipeater with a single D74 is basically a no-go, since its TNC can only work with one VFO. It can't be set to receive from one VFO and transmit from the other, something the D72, D7, and the Kenwood APRS mobiles can do. Even though I might not see many of the "My Message" or "My Position" notifications on the screen, I do fine working FalconSat-3 with my D72, and hope to try it later today and tomorrow afternoon.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK - Prescott, Arizona http://www.wd9ewk.net/ Twitter: @WD9EWK or http://twitter.com/WD9EWK
On Fri, Jun 1, 2018 at 6:56 PM, John Brier [email protected] wrote:
At the risk of introducing confusion based on my inexperience using FS-3, I will say that I do know when using the D72 with the ISS digipeater or with any standard simplex digipeater, when your packet is repeated you do get realtime visual and audio indication it was repeated. The radio makes a unique audio alert when it receives its own packets repeated back and the screen flashes "MY POSITION" above "via RS0ISS" or whatever the callsign of the digipeater is. This can be seen in my video below. The limitation I am familiar with is that your repeated/received packets do not then show up in the LIST, which can be confusing, as it was for me as seen in the below. video. I believe the D74 does allow you to view your repeated/received packets in its LIST.