On 6/27/21 10:47 PM, Nigel A. Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF wrote:
SDR radios/dongles don't generally have front end filtering. That's for you to provide.
On 27/06/2021 23:23 Kees Van Oosbree [email protected] wrote:
Are there any SDR dongles that will do full-duplex on transmit from a radio right next to it? I have a Nesdr SDR, but it desenses with the linear birds and FM birds alike.
This suggestion is RX only:
The FUNcube Dongle Pro+ _does_ have front-end filters, including highly effective (and highly lossy -- usually) SAW filters for 2m and 70cm.
You'll want to put a LNA at the antenna, for best system performance, and the FCDP+ has a built-in bias tee to supply DC on the coax.
I do have one of these but I have not tested this dongle for de-sense.
--- Zach N0ZGO