Logging applications should populate their "Satellite Selectors" with the list of satellite names provided in LoTW's Configuration Data file; this will enable users to easily and correctly log QSOs that will be accepted when submitted to LoTW.
Note that each satellite QSOs submitted to LoTW must specify a "Propagation Mode" of SAT -- another opportunity for automation in the logging application.
Dave, AA6YQ
LoTW having to satisfy the numerous Logging Programs in use has to be a total nightmare and next to impossible. I use DX4WIN and it is NOT Satellite friendly and very much out of date. Much of the time I need to add my SAT QSOs to LoTW manually. Fortunately, doing it that way allows me to always use the correct syntax wanted by LoTW and the proper names they use for each SAT. My roving QSOs on SAT are also entered manually when transcribed from my digital recorder. Glad to hear the ARRL/LoTW Team is doing much better with the SATs.
TNX/73, Bob K8BL
On Tuesday, February 26, 2019, 2:16:31 PM CST, John Kludt [email protected] wrote:
R.T. and Team,
The satellite list is carried in TQSL which is revised frequently. A release came out on February 4, 2019 adding JO-97, FO-99 and QO-100 to the list of supported satellites. That should pretty much bring them up to date. I am sure everyone is keeping their TQSL version current as that is where these additions reside. Going back through the TSQL Change Log it looks to me like most everything is there. In the January 23, 2017 TQSL Update they even added "SAREX" and "MIREX" to catch old QSO's that may be coming along as people enter paper logs from the good old days to the LoTW.
And, yes, as far as syntax goes gotta use the right name or things don't work quite right. But, heck, SATpc32 is exactly the same. Trying to write code to cover every possible "creative" use of a satellite name can run to hundreds if not thousands of lines of code and it really serves no purpose other than allowing us, the end users, to be very sloppy.
So bottom line to me is the ARRL is not as unresponsive as it may seem. So like I said, I am sure everyone has updated to the latest release (February 14, 2019 config.xml v11.7). If you have done that you are ready to log QSO's through FO-99, JO-97 and if you are lucky enough to live in the covered part of the globe QO-100.
John K4SQC