----- Original Message ----- From: "Alan Kung" alankung@public3.bta.net.cn To: amsat-bb@amsat.org Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2010 5:45 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] HO-68 Schedule Jan 10-17
12 Jan. 2010 HO-68 Linear Tansponder 19:205...Turn On South America,NA,North Asia 20:05...Turn Off
73 Alan Kung, BA1DU HO-68(XW-1) Project Manager www.camsat.cn
Hi Alan, BA1DU
The path: South America,NA,North Asia of the above orbit 12 Jan 2010 of HO-68 linear transponder is wrong because the satellite covers instead Africa and Europe.
This is why a lot of users following your schedule missed a very interesting orbit with very high elevation over Europe.
I suggest you to remove the path of the satellite over the continents and live only the time and the mode of operation as follows:
12 Jan. 2010 Linear Tansponder 19:20...Turn On 20:05...Turn Off
Doing this way every one will be obliged to check every orbit and see if it covers it's foot print or not.
In addition I suggest to schedule HO-68 one week only FM and Digital Transponder and one week only Linear Transponder.
This will simplify the job for you and for all satellite users giving to everyone the maximum capability to work every possible orbit in the preferred mode.
In the mean time and for the future I will not take any more in account the path of HO-68 that you states over the continents because it is already two time that I found it to be in mistake.
The last time the following orbit was also in mistake because I found that it was not covering Europe.
07 Jan. 2010 HO-68 Linear Tansponder 21:45...Turn On South Africa,Europe,Middle East Asia,NA,North Pole,North Asia 22:30...Turn Off
Tank you for your cooperation.
73" de
i8CVS Domenico