Mike I tried replying privately but it bounced as "address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail".
so here it is again
Hi Mike, I run a 9612+ with pacsatground try this...
Using putty or any other terminal program issue the following
port 2 cd ext/ext fulldup off/on mon off/on maxusers 0/1 int kiss reset
once you enter the reset you will now be in kiss mode and can no longer issue commands
exit your terminal program
now startup pacsatground and you should be in business make sure in pacsatground you turn off toggle out of kiss mode on exit or you will have to go through these steps each time you start it
also I have noticed a bug where you exit pacsatground and the next time you start it says it cannot open the com port I'm thinking it leaves it in a odd state, to fix just go into windows device mgr and disable and then enable the com port and it should now work.
Let me know if this does it for you.
73 Kevin WA7FWF