On 10/29/22 08:24, Ashhar Farhan wrote:
Also, what is Amsat/IARU stand on use of Lora (a proprietory protocol) on ham bands?
Please consider not propagating the use of this patented, proprietary modulation/protocol combination.
The reasons to use a chirped spread-spectrum mode would be:
1) Interference avoidance -- not a factor when pointing out into space, I would think.
2) Multi-path resistant -- again, there isn't a multi-path fading (frequency-specific) issue to deal with. Coded and interleaved data can deal with burst noise and time-varying fading.
3) Doppler resistance -- Many modems (AX5043, for instance) have a PLL/FLL to track out much of this change, and inter-packet micro-steps of the tuned frequency can also be used.
What is your proposed link budget? Are you looking to hit a specific spec, or is your proposed use due to the fact that "it is easy to use"?
--- Zach N0ZGO
(Not a fan: AMBE, LoRA, etc.)