My FD interfaces SatPC32 with a Yaesu G5500DC. I am using SAEBRTrackBox as the SatPC32 setting. SatPC32 is running on a W11 laptop. To interface with FD required installation of a CH340 driver for the com port to FD. HyperTerminal wasn’t necessary for FD installation. I didn’t have it and found that getting it and using it was more complicated than manually following the prompts from FD. GL and 73, Ray KN2K
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On Thursday, July 27, 2023, 1:14 PM, Vince Fiscus, KB7ADL via AMSAT-BB [email protected] wrote:
Hi again,
I just ordered a Fox Delta controller which should get here in a couple weeks. Right now I'm studying configuration for use with Satpc32.
In one place I'm seeing is use Yaesu GS-232 in Satpc32 for the Fox-Delta controller, in another place I'm seeing use SAEBRTrackBox in Satpc32 for the controller.
Not sure which to choose. Any suggestions?
I'd also like to get the list of LVB tracker controller commands for use in HyperTerm. Fox-Delta uses the same firmware, but I can't find the command list.
Thanks KB7ADL
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