Hi Bruce et al,
I also think that numbered awards should be issued based on the order in which they were received.
Hiram Percy Maxim (the original W1AW) once said that "the most important information on a piece of paper is its date". That should apply to awards as well.
Jim, ND9M / VQ9JC
Message: 13 Date: Wed, 20 May 2009 17:03:37 +0000 From: [email protected] Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: AMSAT Satellite Communications Achievement ??? Award #500 To: [email protected], "[email protected]" [email protected] Cc: Bruce [email protected]
Hey Bruce (and all),
I would prefer that AMSAT issue awards numbered to represent the order in which they were received.
I believe doing otherwise to be inappropriate because it does not accurately reflect the true history of the award.
Is anyone aware of a precedent like this involving another award - that is, that No. XXX of an award may actually not represent the XXXth application received? Something about that just doesn't seem right to me.
I know that if I was submitting the 500th application - and, of course, only the awards administrator would know whether I actually WAS - I would be upset to learn that I would not be getting that 500th award - especially if someone who applied after me was awarded it.
One final queston - has the AMSAT Board blessed this? I'll definitely stand corrected if appropriate, but it occurs to me that any action that would alter in any way the official statistical record of an award should at least have board review, if not formal action of approval.
My apologies to anyone who's offended by my stated preference to maintain an accurate historical record.
73 to all,
Tim - N3TL -------------- Original message from Bruce [email protected]: --------------
I am ready to issue AMSAT Satellite Communications Achievement Award number 490 today. What I am going to do so that a group of people have the opportunity of receiving number 500 is this....
The next 20 that submit for this award (including the one I just received) will be stacked in the order that they were submitted. After all 20 are here (numbers 490-509) I will have Mahana, W5BTS, select one of the call signs out of a hat. That person will receive certificate number 500. Everyone else will then get their certificate in the order they submitted. (Hmmmm... Mahana never submitted for this award, could she pull her own call?)
The lucky operator could be you. But only if you submit an application for the AMSAT Satellite Communications Achievement Award. This award is available to hams worldwide. You do not need to be a member of AMSAT. Rules for the award can be found at the AMSAT http://www.amsat.org Click on Contests and Awards in the left margin.
Scanned QSL cards emailed to me is the best way to submit for the award. JPG files are preferred. PDF and DOC files are fine just larger in size.
This might take a month or two depending on how quickly the submissions arrive so be patient as your certificate will not mail until the last one is received. I will let you know via email that I have received your submission. I will let everyone know when the 20 entries have been received and you will have no more than 3 days from then to make payment for the award at the AMSAT online store (payment may be made earlier if you desire). Lucky number 500 will be issued and all certificates will go in the mail.
73...bruce AMSAT Director Contest and Awards
Bruce Paige, KK5DO
AMSAT Director Contests and Awards
ARRL Awards Manager (WAS, 5BWAS, VUCC), VE