On Jan 19, 2008, at 7:02 PM, Eric A, Cottrell wrote:
Andrew Rich wrote:
I am thinking of getting an eeepc and putting perl, predict, gpredict and tunring it into a sat tracking device.
Does anyone know if that would not be possible ?
It should be possible. I have one and still in the "setup" phase. Besides the built-in Xandros, I also got openSuSE and Windows XP on it by putting the OS on SDHC cards. So far it really works great. The site I used for Eee PC infomation is http://www.eeeuser.com/
There is eeeUbuntu which is an Eee PC customized version of Ubuntu.
Xandros is a commercial Linux distribution. The Eee PC version is based on Debian Etch. You have to be careful what packages you use because the Xandros version is not exactly the same as Debian Etch. Asus is suppose to release a SDK which should allow easier creation of packages. I have not tried adding software sources yet so I do not know what is available. More information is at this link. http://wiki.eeeuser.com/addingxandrosrepos
A co-worker has also found that Linux Mint loads nicely on them, and in a very small footprint.
I haven't succumbed to the hype (to buy one) yet. :-)
-- Nate Duehr, WY0X [email protected]