There are some programs to sort and filter Keps here:
Over time, as version of Windows have changed, they have stopped working on at least some of my machines. For instance, SORTNENG will not work on my WIN7 machine with an AMD chipset, but works on my other WIN7 machine with an Intel chipset.
I have a batch file which does a lot of filtering and copying to different directories. To accomplish a merge and sort, I merge with a simple:
Than I sort them using a technique which Paul, KB5MU suggested, using GREP. If you don't have it on your computer, there are lots of free versions.
GREP -A 2 AO-07 KEP.NEW > %1 GREP -A 2 AO-16 KEP.NEW >> %1 GREP -A 2 AO-27 KEP.NEW >> %1 GREP -A 2 FO-29 KEP.NEW >> %1 etc erc
The %1 is a file name which I pass to the batch file, but you could easily hard code it. You MAY have a problem with some tracking programs if the same satellite appears in more than one list.
<-----Original Message----- <From: [email protected] <[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Lizeth Norman <Sent: Monday, January 27, 2014 3:14 AM <To: <,[email protected]>, <Subject: [amsat-bb] TLE distiller / generator < <Hi all! <What tools are available to work with TLE files? I'm looking for a tool <that takes multiple files with TLE sets in them, and outputs <at least one <file with a custom set of TLE's. <Norm n3ykf <_______________________________________________ <Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of <the author. <Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur <satellite program! <Subscription settings: <