op 11-03-14 14:34, M5AKA schreef:
It's my understanding that RM-11708--the current petition you
mentioned--deals only with HF
and has nothing to do symbol rates or
anything else that would affect 70cm.
As I read it RM-11708 directly affects the amateur satellite service at 144 and 435 MHz. RM-11708 can be read at http://apps.fcc.gov/ecfs/comment/view?id=6017477458
It proposes to "delete all references to symbol rate from Section 97.307(f)" http://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/retrieveECFR?gp&n=47y5.
That would also remove the 1200 Baud restriction on 144 and the 19600 Baud limit on 435 MHz.
I noted a reference to "SS" in a previous email. Some people use SS as a convenient abbreviation for Spread Spectrum but the FCC uses it differently. The FCC define the two letters "SS" as a separate term not an abbreviation, see Definitions 97.3(c)(8) http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CFR-2011-title47-vol5/xml/CFR-2011-title47-vol5...
Keep in mind that the downlink is not effected by usa rules so nobody is stopping a sat from downlinking 1M2 or more on 2 meter, offcourse it does not fit in the sat subband but that is not of concern to the ITU.
73 Andre PE1RDW