I did not participate in FD this year, but I have certainly heard my share of them in recent years.
I think we have to let go of the mantra that “any use of the bandwidth is good use” with respect to “encouraging more satellite activity”. Wasn’t that the original intent of the “100 point bonus” items? To encourage specific activities – traffic handling, promotion, emergency power, etc.
The FM birds have fixed bandwidth -- nothing we can do. There is no mechanism to restrict FD stations to only one QSO on any FM bird. If you read the FD rules, you can make multiple contacts on the SSB birds, and they do count for QSO credit beyond the 100 point bonus – you can only make one QSO on any FM bird:
7.3.7. Satellite QSO: 100 bonus points for successfully completing at least one QSO via an amateur radio satellite during the Field Day period. "General Rules for All ARRL Contests" (Rule 3.7.2.), (the no-repeater QSO stipulation) is waived for satellite QSOs. Groups are allowed one dedicated satellite transmitter station without increasing their entry category. Satellite QSOs also count for regular QSO credit. Show them listed separately on the summary sheet as a separate "band." You do not receive an additional bonus for contacting different satellites, though the additional QSOs may be counted for QSO credit unless prohibited under Rule The QSO must be between two Earth stations through a satellite. Available to Classes A, B, and F. Stations are limited to one (1) completed QSO on any single channel FM satellite.
And there is certainly no mechanism to restrict the ERP that gets used. Is anyone really surprised it sounds like it does?
IMHO, I think it does more harm than good in promoting this aspect of the hobby, for a potential newbie to hear the FM birds on FD... restrict activity to the transponder (SSB/CW) birds and be done with it – no FM satellite QSO’s at all during FD. Or have it like the ARRL Bulletin --- RX only; copy some valid telemetry to get points.
Bill W1PA