I know most of the AMSAT operation is done by volunteers. I also have wondered why some posts for satellite passes seem to be very close or even after the pass occurred. What is the average time between someone sending a post and when it actually appears on the BB? I sent a congratulatory message to the AMSAT team who produce the Journal as well as commenting on the content. I also mentioned getting my AMSAT Journal in the mail today to allow members to know it will be arriving soon. That post was sent at 2:46 PM EDT today.I BCC it to myself. It showed up in 5 seconds. Five hours later, I still do not see it listed on the AMSAT BB. I can see why some posts seem to be at the last minute before something happens that may be of interest to most of us. I'm not complaining, I just wonder if we need to post about 12 hours before something will actually happen. Thanks, Rick WB3CSY