Gee, a voice of reason. How refreshing! I thought there was none left to be heard. Drew for Gods sake don't get discouraged. Amsat needs folks like you.
Keep up the good work. 73's << John
On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 6:43 AM, wrote:
Dave got it right. The silent majority are your fans me included
So A big at a boy for you Drew and thanks
People often ask me why more of the AMSAT leadership doesn't participate on the AMSAT-BB. I think that over the last few weeks we have seen ample
why. We've been accused of stupidity, malfeasance, sloth, and called out at every opportunity. I've about had it with the trolling and the bickering
the internet commandos cruising for reactions. They've caused it to cease being fun or even interesting to participate in this email list.
Please hang in there, Drew...for every one of the idiot whiners, there are probably several hundred of us that deplore them, but they'll dry up and blow away, just like a cloud of bad gas!!
This has had many a repeat performance in the past, and the names always change....
73, Dave, WB6LLO
Disagree: I learn....
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