Fellow Hams,
Thanks to all who have helped us tracked CP4 in its time of need. With the extra packets we've been able to fully characterize one of our voltage sensors as it deteriorated. This information will be helpful in predicting sensor failure for our other on board sensors. Even though CP4 is no longer in an emergency state, we still welcome and appreciate any data you can collect from CP4. Unfortunately though, CP4 seems to have reentered its brain dead state where it no longer beacons. Hopefully this problem fixes itself soon so more data can be collected.
On a more positive note, we are planning to launch our next satellite CP6 near the end of this year on a Minotaur from Wallops, Virgina as a secondary to TacSat 3. Our current plan is to release data acquisition software to the community to make life for those who would like to track CP6 easier. Stay tuned for more!
- Jason Anderson, KI6GIV California Polytechnic State University