I've been casually following the discussion of the upcoming geosynchronous satellite. I currently have a Mode B , J and A analog setup that I've used on Oscar 10 and 13, and on some LEOs. This includes crossed Yagis on 2m and 70cm, and an all-mode radio for those bands. LEOs and flying mailboxes no longer interest me, so in recent years that setup has only been used for occasional terrestrial VHF SSB/CW, plus local repeater activity.
I will need to make some decisions on my general station setup soon. Antenna space is limited, and I want to take the possibility of the geosync bird into consideration. From what I've read and seen on video, the uplinks and downlinks to the satellite will be microwave. The satellite track will make a figure-8 pattern in the sky, but I don't know how large that pattern will be at my location. My 144 and 440 MHz antennas will not be compatible with the new bird. But will the 144/440 radios be useful, perhaps as an IF after the digital gymnastics happen in a converter?
So, my questions:
- Are any "dummy" Keplarian elements available for the geosynch bird's planned (or likely) orbit? That would let me do some "what-iffing." - If the above are not available, could someone tell me the approximate range of azimuth and elevation I might expect from CN87 (Seattle area)? - What is the physical size of the required dishes? - Will the radio for the new bird be self-contained, or require another radio as an IF? If the latter, what frequency band or bands are being contemplated for the IF?
If I've asked things that are too sensitive to discuss right now, let me know and I'll shut up. :-)
73, --Peter, KD7MW