Hi All,
I am planning a similar operation with the Tri-County ARC (WC5C). There are a few of us who get on satellite and we are going to bring out all manner of antennas from Arrows to Lindenblads to small yagis to big yagis, and while having a "reliable" station with the bigger antennas and FT-736R we plan to let anyone and everyone try their radio be it an HT or an all band rig with the antennas we have or whatever they bring, to experience listening to any maybe making contact (no promises) through any of the satellites. An opportunity to see what can be done with various levels of equipment/investment/skill and learn about how the different satellites/antennas work in various conditions. A free for all but backed up with some more "reliable" Q for those who want to sit down and try the linear birds as well as making some FD points. It should be crazy! But I hope to give lots of people the opportunity to play rather than in the past, where many would just watch quietly as we operated and ask questions now and then. Many are shy, but given encouragement and a challenge I think they might like to see what they can learn and accomplish hands-on.
73, Jerry N0JY
On 6/22/2012 6:31 AM, Philip Jenkins wrote:
Thanks, Mark. I've already made it clear to the other club members NOT to expect a successful sat QSO.
I'm going to make sure that my audience knows that too. One hands-on activity that I came up with (and I was already contemplating letting someone else use the Arrow, maybe a repeat visitor who has already seen my song and dance) - I have printed some copies of the grid-square map, and I'm hoping the children especially mark their map during the passes as they hear the grid-squares. I was astounded by how many grids I heard on just ONE AO-27 pass on Wednesday!
There are very few hams in the area where we're doing FD, which is one reason why we chose that location, to stir up interest.
Philip N4HF
On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 6:50 AM, Mark L. Hammond [email protected]wrote:
Hi Philip,
Happy to hear you are getting active again! Great.
One small precaution, based on personal experience during Field Day---be careful about creating expectations that can't be delivered...in other words, using the handheld system to listen to an FM bird is pretty easy, but on Field Day, it might be impossible to get a signal into the bird for a real contact.
When I've done demos on Field Day, I warn my observers that it's going to be quite busy, and while we certainly will hear the bird, it's unlikely with 5 watts that I'll make a contact *today*. But letting them hear the busy bird gets them interested, and has led to invitations to give a presentation/demo at a local club meeting---which CAN more easily lead to making some contacts (especially if you announce the event here on the BBS. People will look for you specifically, in order to make your event successful).
If you're going to have both the TS-2000x and the little radio, you could have somebody else waving it around to listen, while you operate the transmitter. It's fun to have audience participation!
Not sure I'll be on the air on Field Day, due to work---but best wishes for a great day.
Mark N8MH