My two cents worth.
I fully agree with Tim's original response in that the numbers should be as accurate as possible and not drawn "lottery style".
I also think that Bruce should maybe have not said anything at all as the potential implosion and current bickering about this could have been avoided by Bruce not saying anything and we would all have been blissfully unaware and got on with life :-D
Nate's comments about volunteering (as well as Barry's comments about the same at the AMSAT Forum at Dayton this past weekend) bring up another issue though. Has the volunteer page on the website been fixed yet and for the (at least) three members (including myself) that's I know of, who have offered our services over the last 6 or so months, had our information stored?; will it be actioned and how many others have volunteered to help but heard nothing in return or been the victim of the websites broken links.
Yes I know the website is maintained by a volunteer, sort of a a catch 22 isn't it?
David KG4ZLB
Nate Duehr wrote:
I didn't see any volunteers to do the job. Or in the more modern vernacular: "Step up, or step off."
Volunteer organizations exist because people volunteer. Not because they complain about the organization or the processes the organization uses. If all it took was votes to run a country... or AMSAT... or anything...
How many members in AMSAT? How many working on for for AMSAT? In a volunteer organization, you either complain about stuff, or fix it yourself... there's really only two choices when it comes down to it.