Andrew Rich wrote:
wrong hobby
Says the man who spams APRSSIG with off-topic programming questions that can be answered with a few Google searches. If you have nothing constructive to say, don't reply. In conclusion, please pull your bottom lip over your head and swallow.
Ah, the felt good.
Now, George:
On this last pass of HO-68 at 2216 L AOS I heard nothing on ssb,cw or fm. The foot print of Satpc32 showed all US.What am I doing wrong, I have downloaded latest keps. George
As Drew stated, the FM and transponder are not always on all the time, but the CW beacon should always be going. I have no idea about your skill level, so let me suggest basics:
* Are you sure you're on the right frequency? * Are you compensating for doppler? * Everything connected correctly? * Can you hear other sats?
Hope this helps and that's it something simple.