A club member from W6SD asked me if I could come to their FD site in Granada Hills CA to do the satellite contact for them. I said I would do it. I had planned ahead, figured out a list of the better passes of the FM sats and FO-29. Got set up and tried SO-50. We were fortunate. It was coming in from the south and the footprint didn't reach a lot of land yet. I heard WD9EWK on there and figured, "If anyone can work us through all of this, he can!" And he did. Well done.
I had a small group around me as I did this. N7JY was holding the Elk and his Android tablet, watching the sat path and doing the aiming. I posted a picture on Twitter @ad7db.
Few of the group actually heard the live exchange come back, but I did. I always record the pass, so, after we got the contact, I turned off the radio and played it back for them. It took a couple of plays to convince them, yes, we got the contact. "There he is coming back to us, right... there!"
The next day I visited another group's FD site. I was dismayed to find they'd made lots of satellite contacts, even doing a couple on a final pass before the QRT call. What happened with the "one and done" rule? " - Stations are limited to one (1) completed QSO on any single channel FM satellite."
Dave AD7DB