Good afternoon Christophe: I am a new (currently designing first satellite system) ham.
For me, working hams in many DXCC entities (countries) is interesting and fun, along with sharing the physics facets of satellite operation to engage my electrical engineering students. I have antennas for V/U purchased in the garage and am struggling to find a ring rotator solution for azimuth and elevation that gets me above adjacent trees. (no solution found yet)
HEO to enable access to most DXCCs is my primary (only) real satellite interest. I would attempt WAS for something to do while awaiting more DXCCs.
I realize other satellite ops have different interests.
Very 73!
David J. Schmocker, KJ9I
On 2/7/19, 4:28 PM, "AMSAT-BB on behalf of christophe.mcr" <[email protected] on behalf of [email protected]> wrote:
Good evening Ron
I'm adding your contribution to the survey data. If you want to add more elements, send me your comments.
To date we have already received more than 177 contributions (see below). The results will be available for all AMSATs.
During the "amateur space meetings" in France (9&10 March) , these results will be shared and used for exchanges between participants, including satellite designers.
Countrie/Number of response France 70 United Kingdom 17 United States 14 Germany 11 Poland 11 Netherlands 9 Belgium 6 Canada 5 Italy 5 Spain 4 Argentina 2 Australia 2 Austria 2 Brazil 2 Portugal 2 Romania 2 Sweden 2 Switzerland 2 Bulgaria 1 Colombia 1 Croatia 1 Finland 1 Greece 1 Japan 1 New Zealand 1 Venezuela 1 Sénégal 1
Le jeu. 7 févr. 2019 à 02:46, Ron VE8RT [email protected] a écrit :
I completed the survey a couple of days back and in retrospect I had one other comment to make about the survey itself.
In the section asking what bands or frequencies of operation I'd used or was active on the last option was "not interested". I would have liked to have had another option "interested but not equipped" or something.
Lastly I wanted to say that I appreciate the opportunity to take the survey and I am curious about whether the survey results will influence the design team.
On Sun, 3 Feb 2019 15:03:54 +0100 "christophe.mcr" [email protected] wrote:
Satellite / nanosatellite project managers often wish to use amateur
frequencies for educational and outreach purposes. The amateur radio community thus offers them a tremendous potential for monitoring their fragile conception. They often ask what kind of amateur radio
would be interesting to board a cubesat or what services they could
with their communications systems. The answer can be simple: a
but these designers would like to bring novelty and innovation.
--- snipped the rest to keep it brief ---
Ron VE8RT [email protected]
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