Just a reminder - since the low data rate telemetry is subaudible, you will likely need to use the 9600 baud data out pin (and select the 9600 baud packet mode in the 817 menu) to get the unfiltered audio for decoding telemetry.
Paul, N8HM
On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 4:20 PM, [email protected] wrote:
Got my 817 hooked up to macDoppler ready for the next pass over Europe.
Dave, G4DPZ
Sent from my iPhone
On 8 Oct 2015, at 20:54, David Rush [email protected] wrote:
Yes, as I understand it it should be on 145.980 MHz.
I've got my Funcube Dongle Pro+ plumbed into FoxTelem. It seems to lie in wait around 145.995-ish, but when I keyed up an HT at 145.980 it slinked its way down and centered on the HT's signal (even without "Find Signal" checked).
I even tried playing the test telemetry audio on another computer, with the HT's mic held up near the speaker. I don't think it decoded anything, but since the telemetry is "sub-audible" I imagine it got filtered out by the HT. The squiggly lines on FoxTelem seemed to react to the noise, so that confirms that it's hearing something.
I think I've got mine ready and waiting for the next fly-over, which SatPC32 says starts at 23:57z down here in EM72 land.
73, David, ky7dr
On 2015-10-08 11:19, Bob KD7YZ wrote: I have the fox-1 telemetry program running; am tracking using the guesstimate Keps .. but what is the freq for telemetry? Currently I am on 145.980 FM
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