JAXA plans to deploy five cubesats from ISS at the early morning on 28th September. The first two satellites (RAIKO, WE WISH) are deployed around 00:10 - 00:20 JST by manually. The second three satellites (FITSAT-1, NanoRacks,and TechEdSat) are deployed around 01:30 - 01:40 JST by remote. JST(Japan Standard Time) advances 9 hours from GMT. JAXA will broadcast the deployment: http://iss.jaxa.jp/iss/jaxa_exp/hoshide/library/live/
FITSAT starts to send the beacon 30 min after deployment. Please send the signal report and your postal address to [email protected] and also cc to [email protected]. You will receive the verification card shown in:
The orbit is almost the same as ISS. FITSAT delays 200m from ISS for one cycle around the world. As it goes around 16 times a day, it delays 3.2km per day. If 10 days passed, FITSAT passes the same point of ISS after 4 sec (32km/8km=4).
The beacon frequency 437.250MHz of FITSAT-1 conflicts with the satellite PRISM of Tokyo Univ. Please confirm that the CW starts "HI DE NIWAKA JAPAN ..."
73 JA6AVG Takushi Tanaka