If one has unlimited time, nothing is difficult. Most of us don’t. Some of us have very limited time for hobby activities and would rather spend it making contacts rather than editing text files.
There seem to be two fixes for this problem:
-Standardize on a single name for a given satellite. Then it will agree across multiple pieces of software and avoid confusion.
-Write a subroutine that will ensure that the naming convention of your Doppler.SQF file agrees with the Keps that you’re using in SatPC32, and correct it if necessary.
This would say thousands of hams from editing text files—saving crazy amounts of hours for the hobby overall. I’d be more than willing to support anyone who wants to write that code.
Your point is taken. But as I’ve said, I frequently must take hiatus from the hobby to do my work. It requires a lot of travel and massive hours devoted to each project that comes along. These can last weeks or months. If we have an active “launch period” during that time, I face this task over and over again.
This will make at least the 10th time I’ve gone through this exercise. It’s tiresome. The satellite community enjoys some fo the brightest hams in the hobby—yet we struggle with software to control our radios and track satellites that doesn’t have a modern GUI.
Les Rayburn, N1LF Maylene, AL EM63nf AMSAT #38965, ARRL Life Member, CVHS Life Member, SVHF Member
On Jun 6, 2020, at 9:59 PM, Stefan Wagener [email protected] wrote:
Les and others,
Sorry, but why is this so difficult?
Kepplerian elements are numerical data describing the orbit of a satellite. Math based on certain algorithms presented in 2 line format via service providers like Spacetrak and Celestrak generated by NORAD.
These “keps” will never include any information on what frequencies a satellite uses, since this is totally irrelevant and useless information for describing the orbit of a satellite. NORAD the originator of our orbital data does not, will not and should not care about a certain satellite frequency on 2m or 70cm. They just track orbital objects.
SatPC32 will use any 2 line element source you tell it to use and track the satellite just fine. For tracking it just needs that information. Now, SatPC32 also allows for doppler correction and radio control of frequencies. It is handled by a small text file called doppler.sqf. That file will need someone to tell it what the new frequencies are and for what satellite. The author of SatPC32 “Erich Eichman” has no idea, or crystal ball or visions in his dreams of which frequency a new satellite will use. That’s why he has given us the ability to edit the file as we seem fit.
The only requirement is that the name of the satellite matches the name of the satellite that you selected with your keps. How else would the software know? Any and all satellite tracking software that does doppler control will require some sort of that input. SatPC32 does not have a magical wand or AI to do that for you.
As of this moment we have maybe around 20 satellites that have some sort of amateur transponder and folks are finding it difficult editing a simple text file to match a satellite name and add some frequencies? All this information is available online.
Copying someone’s doppler.sqf file is also not a good idea! That file is customized by someone based on the keps and satellite name they are using and sometimes even specific for their location since SatPC32 lets you adjust the doppler control based on your location and satellite and internally adjust the doppler.sqf frequencies.
The author of SatPC32 has spent thousands of hours working on this program and he gets no financial return. He has donated the software to AMSAT and still updates it for new radios and features! Complaining about that is just not right!
Hope that helps.
73 Stefan VE4SW
On Sat, Jun 6, 2020 at 9:03 PM Les Rayburn via AMSAT-BB <[email protected] mailto:[email protected]> wrote: So I cut and pasted the new Doppler.SQF file from JE9PEL / Mineo Wakita site. Restarted, but none of the satellites will track frequency. I assume this is due to a difference in the naming conventions in the Kep file.
I use “NASA ALL” for my keps. Not certain which version Mineo uses for his.
Hate to complain about software when the proceeds are going to support AMSAT (much appreciated). But why does this have to be so difficult? It really should be as easy as “update Keps” and everything syncs.
Two pet peeves-
- The lack of standardization in how satellites are named. And then they change names. This causes confusion and incompatibility with software, tracking apps, etc. Why not settle on a standard and stick to it?
-The lack of modern GUI and user-friendly software for the amateur satellite community. If someone suggests open-source nonsense, my head might explode. Happy to pay handsomely for anyone who codes something to make this all easier.
When I find another few hours with nothing to do, I’ll try to edit the Doppler.SQF file to match, troubleshoot until it works, etc.
Thanks anyway. Probably won’t see me back on the birds this weekend. My hobby time is too limited.
Les Rayburn, N1LF Maylene, AL EM63nf AMSAT #38965, ARRL Life Member, CVHS Life Member, SVHF Member
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