Would anyone happen to have any recordings from HO-68 over Fathers Day Weekend from June?
I have had an unfortunate incident with my mp3 recorder which had a couple of passes of satellites from June 19 & 20 stored on it. I typically copy my recordings to a computer late in the evenings or early morning, but we were going to a family fathers day dinner and didn't get a chance to copy them over. To make my story short, I had a CreativeLabs recorder which I discovered did not like bouncing off of a brick patio. I thought it was just the switch on the unit which failed so I grabbed another unit from ebay. After putting the drive from into the new-to-me unit I was not able to recover the data. I then tried another drive with different firmware with again no success. Also the way Creative handles the formatting my PC (Windows and Linux) could not view data off of the drive. I have since grabbed a different recorder that has a good clip on it.
So now I've hit the web searching for possible help. I am fairly sure the pass was Sunday the 20th, I know it was HO-68 and I worked a CM station which was maritime mobile. I have listened to the recording from K8YSE (who has a excellent site by the way) but my qso was not captured. I wish I could verify the time but in my desire to try to fix the recorder I failed to document the passes. I want to say it was around 14:00-18:00 UTC on Sunday.
If anyone has a recording I would greatly appreciate if you would let me know...
Mike, K4MOA