SAT/LoTW Users,
ARRL does not give much attention to Satellite LoTW users and/or operations - IMHO. If there is something needing to be done for DXCC-HF, they fall over themselves working on it - again, IMHO. Maybe we should bombard various League Officials with e-mails to get their attention? I'm not suggesting this as a solution, just a question in the recesses of my mind.
Perhaps, a knowledgeable person from the SAT Community could work with a willing person at the ARRL. They might be able to get things corrected and up-to-date some day. HIHI
GL/73, Bob K8BL
(50+ Year ARRL Member, AMSAT Member since 1979)
On Tuesday, February 26, 2019, 12:01:46 PM CST, Paul Stoetzer [email protected] wrote:
Note that the list on the ARRL's website has not been updated with the recent additions of JO-97, FO-99, and QO-100. Also, it lists "EO88", but the correct name in the LoTW configuration file is "EO-88"
Paul, N8HM