A net control type op is perfectly acceptable. Only thing is they can only score 1 FM contact per FM satellite. If they wish to work every SO-50 pass and work every station, they can do it. What ever works. It is easier to have an ht and Arrow on field day rather than an all mode radio. That is why the FM sats are so busy. The rules are there to try and get more to operate SSB/CW instead of FM.
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On Jun 25, 2018, at 3:23 PM, Matthew Stevens [email protected] wrote:
The first AO91 pass after start time on saturday, I just listened to N5AT (op KG5CCI) doing an awesome job as what you have called the "net control" station. I have a feeling half the people on the pass wouldn't have made a qso at all if it hadn't been for Dave calling them amid all the "CQ field day" and callsign-dropping, keying down, and aprs packets (why? Who knows lol). And Dave was operating the same as I did this weekend, a handheld antenna and manually tuned rig.
I have mixed feelings about the one-Q FM sat rule - it makes sense in a way, but in my experience one competent, experienced op (keyword there is competent..) on the FM sats can make a lot of FM-only HT ops very very happy, scoring them their 100 point bonus they promised for their clubs! I guess the rule does (hopefully) prevent the uber-stations from tying up the pass working each other to pad scores, but it doesn't do anything about the massive QRM that always seems to happen on FM. I'm glad to hear a few guys on there who are worried less about their own scores, and more about handing out contacts to those that really need them on Field Day.
I pretty much just hung out on linears this year, operating for about an hour and a half total on sats while waiting for 6m to open.It was a lot of fun, and by and large I thought most everyone I heard was doing a great job. There was only a few stations that never seemed to hear when they were called. Overall, good job to all the amsat ops, and I'm looking forward to next year!
- Matthew nj4y
On Mon, Jun 25, 2018 at 1:05 PM, Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK) [email protected] wrote:
Hi Bruce!
Based on the passes I heard and worked, if there was a station strong enough to get through and complete QSOs, others hoped that station would stick around and make more QSOs. Otherwise, why would anyone call a station just after that station completed a QSO? That was the