Rick, G-Mail does some weird stuff when dealing with messages sent through a mailing list that drive me nuts - particularly when using the G-Mail client on a phone. To complicate it, this list is set up so that replies to messages go only to the original poster and not to the list itself (unless you use the cursed "Reply All" - and then have to delete the address for the original poster or else they get it twice).
Normally the list server is pretty fast.
Jim Walls K6CCC
---------------------------------------- From: "Rick Walter" [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 4:36 AM To: "Joe Fitzgerald" [email protected] Cc: "[email protected]" [email protected] Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Question about AMSAT BB Thank you all for your replies to my question. I did not realize I would not see my message appear on the BB if I BCC'd it to myself. I appreciate the information. 73, Rick
Sent from Rick's iPad2