Actually, I suspect that 3 years from now, we will see 2.4 GHz thinning out, as WiFi users migrate to the new latest-and-greatest products at 5.8 or higher. We all know that the lifespan of your typical computer "widget" is less than 5 years, and usually closer to 3. Already, stores like Best Buy and Circuit City are carrying way more 5.8 cordless phones than 2.4's... and when was the last time you saw a 900 MHz version? It wasn't that long ago that THEY were the cutting edge cordless!
The same thing will happen with WiFi: all the new laptops and PDA's will come with the higher frequency cards, and users will be forced to migrate upward. You can take that to the bank! So put S-band on Eagle - I predict that it'll be wide open in 10 years, NOT a sewer.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Robert Bruninga" [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: Friday, September 08, 2006 5:25 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] Special AMSAT dinner
Three years from now when we have to suffer from a new round of comlaints about 2.4 GHz QRM interfering with the P3E Sband downlink, we could have a special AMSAT dinner. The main entrée might be crow.