I've read this document before and it doesn't really answer my question; that's beyond the scope of the document's intent. However, I trust your operational experience that the flood of (primarily) PFS3-11 packets is the manifestation of specific PBBS operations that can only be initiated by user command sent via the uplink.
Thanks and 73, Ryan AI6DO
On Friday, June 1, 2018, 7:02:07 PM PDT, Mark L. Hammond [email protected] wrote:
Hi Ryan, Extra! Extra! Read all about it ;) https://www.amsat.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/FalconSAT-3-Statu... The "flood" is from a ground station requesting a directory update and/or a file download. Specifics in the above PDF will spell it all out.
Mark N8MH
On Fri, Jun 1, 2018 at 9:17 PM, Ryan Noguchi via AMSAT-BB [email protected] wrote:
So, to be clear, you're saying that the flood of PFS3-1, -11, -12 packets is only initiated by a PBBS user's uplink, and is not autonomously initiated by the satellite based on time, location, insolation, or some other stimulus that is not communicated to the satellite via the 145.840 MHz uplink, correct?
73, Ryan AI6DO