Hi Alan!
I forgot to mention that the program does have an update function for the TOPR and EPOCH files. Both of those files downloaded properly and are current, and at least a quick glance shows they program predictions are consistent with the site postings.
I was just on AO-27 this afternoon around 2142 UTC. Much more data than the traditional 20 seconds before the repeater switched on, and then the repeater appeared to run less than 6 minutes. I just looked on the AO-27 web site, and it was updated to show that the "Analogue Med" time is now 5 minutes instead of 6 minutes. The schedule also lacks some of the digital time on the passes where the satellite was moving toward the south.
Michael N3UC (one of the AO-27 command stations) was on the last AO-27 pass, and commented about the batteries on the satellite. This revised schedule may be an attempt to keep the satellite working a little bit longer.
Going outside for AO-27 in about 15-20 minutes....
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/