Nice idea , however costs make it unfeasable,
Somebody can I'm sure post the costs of the Shuttle Missions that have recovered/repaired satellites. I suspect each mission cost many tens of millions of dollars. No unmanned mission has ever retrieved a satellite.
AO-40 is a far higher orbit than Vanguard, so costs of recovery would be far greater.
73 Trevor M5AKA
--- On Mon, 11/8/08, AB2VY [email protected] wrote: From: AB2VY [email protected] Subject: [amsat-bb] way of satellite recovery? To: [email protected] Date: Monday, 11 August, 2008, 10:12 PM
Hi to everybody, after have reading this article about the possibility of bringing Vanguard 1 back to Earth http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23639980/ , an "unhealthy" idea has crossed my brain... , premise that Vanguard 1 is "3.25-pound (1.5-kilogram), 6.4-inch-wide (16.3-centimeter-wide)" so little.. , a program to recover/repair something of too bigger ( like... AO40 ?? ......) is possible ? if the answer is "yes" the costs are too bigger or too low than the launch costs (4.5 million to 15 million Euros to launch) explained by David G0MRF in the past message? Logically it is necessary that NASA has a similar mission to which rely... would be an interesting study on this possibility of recovery/repair a satellite like AO40 "dead" in space
this message wants to be an open track for a discussion about "Satellite repair in Space"
thanks for your attention and best 73
Giulio AB2VY (ex KC2OTB) c/o Toms River NJ AMSAT-NA member 36417
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