Rather than respond to the other thread and have it construed as negativity or "whining" I'll just put this here. Honestly, while I recognize the emcomm value of a Ham Geosat, I have absolutely no interest in it otherwise. Why? Although not active in it now, I got into this side of the hobby for the challenge. At one time I much enjoyed building my own tracking device and rotator and interfacing them to my PC and radio. I also enjoyed buildingĀ and experimenting with a variety of homebrew antennas. I even enjoyed the challenge of doppler tuning! Somehow, the point the antenna once and forget about it nature of a Geo sync satellite just doesn't appeal to me and I don't think it ever will. I also used to bristle at the term "Easysat" and the constant efforts by AMSAT to convince rank and file amateurs how "easy" it is to work FM sats. "Easy" isn't why I got into this. Unfortunately I missed AO-40 and it appears P3-E will never fly but I think that part of sats is where my passion will always lie. Something along the lines of "We choose to got to the moon....not because it's easy....but because it's hard" is what drives me. Just my two cents, I mean to each their own, and all that being said, I did buy an SDR Play awhile back with the idea of begrudgingly getting back on the FM sats and being active in this part of the hobby again despite being extremely unhappy with the direction of AMSAT over at least the last decade. I guess I'm coming back, but I'm coming back kicking and screaming...LOL
Michael, W4HIJ
participants (1)
Michael Tondee