In case there is any possible ignorance of the operating problems which most users are painfully aware of, here is a recent commentI received regarding my roving. (below) de Bob K8BL ----------------------------------------------- Bob,Appreciate your efforts very much. KC1MEB and I caught you on the linear birds. She wanted to work the FM sat the other day, but I told her you would be on and to just listen because we already worked you. It was complete mayhem. I'm not sure more than 2 complete contacts were made that pass. 73 Ant NU1U ----------------------------------------------- On Monday, March 15, 2021, 09:41:48 PM CDT, Bob Liddy (K8BL) [email protected] wrote:
Anyone who operates FM Sats these days knows EXACTLY what needs to be addressed. It's painfully obvious. Bob K8BL On Monday, March 15, 2021, 07:38:30 PM CDT, Clint Bradford [email protected] wrote: Not sure to whom you may be referring, but I am sure ALL AMSAT’ers here are properly educating their audiences … What were the problems? Was it a particular group/demo/club that was causing grief? Clint K6LCS
On Mar 15, 2021, at 4:48 PM, Bob Liddy (K8BL) [email protected] wrote: P.P.S. If someone is instructing on the use of FM SATs, I really wish they would spend some time explaining proper operating protocol. The rude chaos is almost to the point of making many passes useless and a waste of roving time and effort.

Your cited message tells me really nothing.
One person’s “mayhem” might be seen by another as an “exciting pile-up, with so many trying to access an FM satellite.”
I’ll get straight answers elsewhere - thanks anyway.
Clint Bradford K6LCS
On Mar 15, 2021, at 7:51 PM, Bob Liddy (K8BL) [email protected] wrote:
... It was complete mayhem ...

I'll send you and Bob the recording of the pass I was speaking of. :) It is trimmed from the full 6 minutes I could hear the pass.
But to elaborate... For a solid 2.25 minutes not a single QSL to be heard on a SO-50 pass while stations tried to access the bird. Ending with a frustrated station pleading with other hams to let one guy answer at a time. Certainly didn't help that there were 2 rovers on the pass.
The purpose of my PM to Bob was to thank him for getting the XYL and I 4 new grids. I get his frustration on the FM birds and hope that he will continue on. (Un)fortunately working satellites seems to be a very hot topic lately. It's great that so many more hams are giving it a shot, but that does make those FM satellites a bit harder to work successfully (if at all) during a pass.
-Ant NU1U
On Tue, Mar 16, 2021 at 12:28 AM Clint Bradford via AMSAT-BB < [email protected]> wrote:
Your cited message tells me really nothing.
One person’s “mayhem” might be seen by another as an “exciting pile-up, with so many trying to access an FM satellite.”
I’ll get straight answers elsewhere - thanks anyway.
Clint Bradford K6LCS
On Mar 15, 2021, at 7:51 PM, Bob Liddy (K8BL) [email protected] wrote:
... It was complete mayhem ...
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Ant, The person you are trying to inform is acting like he has no idea whatyou and I are talking about. He shows his disdain for persons by not usingtheir name when he addresses their message. ANYONE that does NOT know of the operating problems with theFM SATs these days must not ever use them. Or, they are ignoring theissue rather than address it. Or, they do not even know what the properoperating procedures are. Or, they have no clue HOW to instruct otherson the proper procedures. Or, something else that will not be mentioned. My comments were to bring attention to the problem so that persons dealingwith the instruction of people anxious to get involved with working theFM SATs could be taught proper operating procedures. This would be abenefit to all SAT users both new and experienced. Currently, there are alarge number of regular users that avoid FAM SATs due to the often dailychaos and mayhem preventing normal usage. Why does this need to continuewhen a little education/instruction would help? Ant... Thanks for the help of you and your YL to shed more light on the problem. As a Rover, I'd rather not avoid the FM SATs since many users only have FMcapability and they should not be excluded due to the actions of others whosimply do not realize the problems they are causing by lack of education. TNX/73, Bob K8BL
On Tuesday, March 16, 2021, 06:33:12 AM CDT, Ant Lefebvre [email protected] wrote:
Clint, I'll send you and Bob the recording of the pass I was speaking of. :) It is trimmed from the full 6 minutes I could hear the pass.
But to elaborate... For a solid 2.25 minutes not a single QSL to be heard on a SO-50 pass while stations tried to access the bird. Ending with a frustrated station pleading with other hams to let one guy answer at a time. Certainly didn't help that there were 2 rovers on the pass. The purpose of my PM to Bob was to thank him for getting the XYL and I 4 new grids. I get his frustration on the FM birds and hope that he will continue on. (Un)fortunately working satellites seems to be a very hot topic lately. It's great that so many more hams are giving it a shot, but that does make those FM satellites a bit harder to work successfully (if at all) during a pass. 73 -Ant NU1U
On Tue, Mar 16, 2021 at 12:28 AM Clint Bradford via AMSAT-BB [email protected] wrote:
Your cited message tells me really nothing. One person’s “mayhem” might be seen by another as an “exciting pile-up, with so many trying to access an FM satellite.” I’ll get straight answers elsewhere - thanks anyway.
Clint Bradford K6LCS
On Mar 15, 2021, at 7:51 PM, Bob Liddy (K8BL) [email protected] wrote:
... It was complete mayhem ...

To whom it may concern:
Yet another message not using PLAIN ENGLISH to state the problem.
“Chaos.” “Mayhem.”
That could describe wonderfully chaotic Field Day ops. Or a Boy Scout Event. Of working the ISS voice when that occurs again.
I think you are trying to say, “People are stepping on each other.”
As far as what AMSAT Ambassadors are teaching, I am sure the rest of them are on the same wavelength as I am. The transcription of my 53-minute recording shows that these “names” or “phrases” were wisely and appropriately interspersed within my presentation …
“AMSAT” and “AMSAT DOT ORG - stated 29 times
“ARRL” and “ARRL DOT ORG” - stated 4 times
“ARISS” and “ARISS DOT ORG” - stated 4 times
Clint Bradford K6LCS
of my 53-minute recording at last weekend’s QSO Virtual Expo shows that these “names” or “phrases” were wisely and appropriately interspersed within my presentation …
“ARRL" - stated 29 times
“AMSAT.ORG http://amsat.org/
“ARRL.ORG http://arrl.org/ - Thrice
“ARRL" - Onc
“ARISS” - 4 “ARISS.ORG http://aris.org/” - Once
participants (3)
Ant Lefebvre
Bob Liddy (K8BL)
Clint Bradford