Having a few issues using SatPC32 and especially Yaesu gear, specifically FT-817 and FT-857. The copy I aa using is not a registered version yet nor have I modified any of the SQF files.
When using on the FT-817, I cannot get any response to the radio. It doesn't appear to follow the doppler corrections being issued by the program. When using the FT-857, the unit appears to semi-work, but it seems to switch between 2 vfos. When using my Icom IC-910, it works fine if I let it go into satellite mode.
If this is just a file editing problem let me know. In general, I'll be using the IC-910 most often but have considered using the 817/857 for portable operation if I can get it to work correctly. I also noticed that the FT-857 has issues with HRD as well, but that's a subject for another time.
Any guesses as to why FT-817 not working or does there need to be some initial file modifications?
Reid, W4UPD

To answer some of my own questions, I went to the UaesuPar.SQF file and saw that the com port speed was set to 4800. Edit the file to have it at 38400 and it worked fine. However, like the FT-857 now, switches back and forth between vfos while during the doppler corrections. Doesn't seem to matter what I have selected for the rig (satellite or no). Is there a way to include both rigss for the port control or do I need to make sure both rigs are at the same speed?
One other weird problem with SatPC32, especially SsatPC32ISS, when I try to exit or do certain things, i get errors displayed in German and the program won't close. I have to use TASK manager to kill the process.
Reid, W4UPD
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