Re: [amsat-bb] LituanicaSat-1 this evening
Nothing heard here on that pass. Were you on?
Worked KO6TZ, WØDHB, WA4NVM and KD8CAO on the 0045Z pass.
Glenn AA5PK
-----Original Message----- From: Bill Acito Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2014 7:53 PM To: Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] LituanicaSat-1 this evening
Nothing heard here on that pass. Were you on?
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02:20z pass sounded like SO-50! Heard KO6TZ and a few others, and I think I worked NU6O / CN70 - the satellite crossed through North right at the time of the QSO and the rotor decided it had to spin around, so I lost his reply.
Nice satellite!
Greg KO6TH / CM98
Glenn Miller - AA5PK wrote:
participants (3)
Bill Acito
Glenn Miller - AA5PK
Greg D