JAXA plans to deploy five cubesats from ISS at the early morning on 28th September. The first two satellites (RAIKO, WE WISH) are deployed around 00:10 - 00:20 JST by manually. The second three satellites (FITSAT-1, NanoRacks,and TechEdSat) are deployed around 01:30 - 01:40 JST by remote. JST(Japan Standard Time) advances 9 hours from GMT. JAXA will broadcast the deployment: http://iss.jaxa.jp/iss/jaxa_exp/hoshide/library/live/
FITSAT starts to send the beacon 30 min after deployment. Please send the signal report and your postal address to [email protected] and also cc to [email protected]. You will receive the verification card shown in:
The orbit is almost the same as ISS. FITSAT delays 200m from ISS for one cycle around the world. As it goes around 16 times a day, it delays 3.2km per day. If 10 days passed, FITSAT passes the same point of ISS after 4 sec (32km/8km=4).
The beacon frequency 437.250MHz of FITSAT-1 conflicts with the satellite PRISM of Tokyo Univ. Please confirm that the CW starts "HI DE NIWAKA JAPAN ..."
73 JA6AVG Takushi Tanaka

Dear Ham friends,
JAXA has postponed the deployment of FITSAT-1.
I made mistake. My following explanation is wrong:
The orbit is almost the same as ISS. Jaxa said FITSAT delays 200 m from ISS for one cycle around the world. As it goes around 16 times a day, it delays 3.2km per day. If 10 days have passed after deployment, FITSAT passes the same point of ISS after 4 sec (32km/8km=4).
JAXA said FITSAT goes away 200m from ISS for one cycle, not delays. As FITSAT is pushed out backward from ISS, its speed goes down, and the altitude decreases. As the altitude is lower than ISS, FITSAT goes around the world faster than ISS. So, FITSAT advances than ISS.
Best Regards, 73 -- Takushi Tanaka JA6AVG
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