I mentioned last Thursday in the meeting that I had found an EM simulator for PCBs called Sonnet. You can find a download for the "lite" version here <> . The company will ask you some questions before downloading, and may contact you over email to see if you're interested in buying the full version. The full version allows you to add components and simulate larger circuits, but most of the things you'll want to test are usable through the lite version. It's super intuitive to use, and you can find a tutorial here <> .
Cameron Castillo
Cameron Castillo
P: (503) 752-8877
I mentioned last Thursday in the meeting that I had found an EM simulator
for PCBs called Sonnet. You can find a download for the "lite" version here
<>. The company will ask you
some questions before downloading, and may contact you over email to see if
you're interested in buying the full version. The full version allows you
to add components and simulate larger circuits, but most of the things
you'll want to test are usable through the lite version. It's super
intuitive to use, and you can find a tutorial here
Cameron Castillo
Cameron Castillo
*P*: (503) 752-8877
*Pacsat dev mtg 11/7/2024*
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Nov 7, 2024, 7:00 – 8:30 PM (America/Chicago)
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