*Pacsat cubesat discussion 2/13/2025*
Feb 13, 2025, 7:00 – 8:30 PM (America/Chicago)
I have some bad news. AMSAT has not funded ANY pacsat activities for
2025. I have reached out
to both Jerry and Robert to discuss our funding but they have not
responded. My most recent
requests to them was last weekend. I don't know how to interpret their
( In my 50 years of industry experience I have never had a boss that
wouldn't talk to me.)
I have invited both Jerry and Robert to join our meeting this evening.
We cannot proceed without
a budget.
We have two projects that I find very exciting. Let's meet tonight and
discuss those projects.
Jim is working on a redesign of the Launchpad boards. This will allow
us good flexibility in our
final testing process and significantly reduce costs. Corey has been
looking at alternatives for
a replacement for the AX5043. As you know, the AX5043 is out of
production ( and it had a
max temperature spec of 85C ). We have enough stockpile of the AX5043
for the near term
but a new design will also allow is to increase data rates.
See y'all tonight at 7.
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If there is a Passat meeting tonight then unfortunately I won't be able to
make it.
On Thu, Jan 30, 2025, 16:41 Bill via pacsat-dev <pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org>
> *pacsat dev mtg 1/30/2025*
> Jan 30, 2025, 7:00 – 8:30 PM (America/Chicago)
> *Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.*
> https://meet.goto.com/872926061
> *You can also dial in using your phone.*
> Access Code: 872-926-061
> United States: +1 (872) 240-3212 <+18722403212,,872926061>
> *Join from a video-conferencing room or system.*
> Meeting ID: 872-926-061
> Dial in or type: or inroomlink.goto.com
> Or dial directly: 872926061(a) or
> *Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:*
> https://meet.goto.com/install
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