Does anyone on the team think we need an analog RF engineer at this
point. Let me know if you think we do. I don't want to dilute our team
meetings with "observers"....
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: Fwd: ITAR/EAR "Clearance" Process
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2023 14:12:44 +0000
From: Jonathan Brandenburg <jonathan(a)>
To: Bill Reed <bill(a)>
His background is analog RF engineering, I believe.
On 8/28/2023 9:04 AM, Bill Reed wrote:
> Any idea what his skill set is?
> On 8/28/2023 8:36 AM, Jonathan Brandenburg wrote:
>> Bill,
>> Dave Benzel (email address below) is expressing an interest in
>> discussion packet sats... If you want (it's entirely up to you) would
>> you like to contact him as a potential volunteer?
>> He attended one weekly engineering meeting and I take it he doesn't
>> want to participate in structured meetings so I'm not sure how to
>> engage him but I figure I'll let you know there's interest from him
>> in packet sats.
>> Jonathan
>> -------- Forwarded Message --------
>> Subject: Re: ITAR/EAR "Clearance" Process
>> Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2023 13:37:18 -0500
>> From: benzoid19(a) <benzoid19(a)>
>> Reply-To: benzoid19(a) <benzoid19(a)>
>> To: Jonathan Brandenburg <jonathan(a)>
>> Hi Jonathan -
>> Thanks for note. No, nothing specific. At this point in my career,
>> I am just looking for less structure... which doesn't really seem to
>> fit in with your perfectly appropriate way of conducting projects.
>> Thanks for keeping me in mind - I would really enjoy making what ever
>> contribution I can, that may help unload some of your other folks.
>> Seems like a great bunch, and can't wait to see us get more hardware
>> in orbit.
>> I'd like to send you some ideas I had on packet sats - working with
>> the really fun IO-117 sat gave me a few ideas on how to improve this
>> general system. Haahaaha - probably nothing you all haven't already
>> thought of though !!
>> - dB KD6RF
Jonathan Brandenburg
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